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Sumo wrestlers intentionally gain weight in order to compete in their sport. In traditional Japanese culture, larger bodies were considered a symbol of strength and power, and sumo wrestling has been practiced for centuries.

       Acceleration= Force/Mass

📌The heavier you are, the more force an opponent has to exert to get you moving and push you out of the ring, or to lift and throw you.Wrestlers will eat a diet high in calories and protein, and engage in intense training to build muscle mass and endurance.

There could be several reasons why some people believe that sumo wrestlers are fat:

1. Traditional Perception: Sumo wrestling is a traditional Japanese sport that dates back centuries. The image of sumo wrestlers as large, heavy individuals has been ingrained in popular culture and media representations, perpetuating the perception that they are fat.

2. Weight Gain for Competitive Advantage: Sumo wrestlers aim to gain weight to increase their mass and strength, which can provide a competitive advantage in the sport. They follow specific diets and training regimens to gain weight and build muscle, often resulting in a bulky appearance.

3. Weight Class System: In professional sumo, wrestlers are categorized into different weight classes. By gaining weight, wrestlers can compete in higher weight divisions, increasing their chances of success and earning potential.

4. Functional Fat: The body composition of sumo wrestlers is unique, characterized by a high percentage of body fat. This fat is distributed differently compared to individuals who are overweight or obese. The fat in sumo wrestlers tends to be subcutaneous, located just beneath the skin, which serves as protection during matches and can provide stability and leverage.

It is important to note that while sumo wrestlers may have higher body fat percentages, they also possess significant muscle mass and undergo intense training to develop their strength, agility, and technique. Their physical appearance is a result of the demands and requirements of their sport rather than a reflection of overall health or fitness.

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