Production of Apricot in Jammu and Kashmir

The origin of apricots is China and the references of their culture go back to 3,000 B.C. They spread from China to India, Persia, arriving at Europe, although the Arabs were responsible of their spreading. The main producing countries are in Asia; these are Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.

Some authors thought at the beginning that apricots came from Armenia, but in fact they are Chinese and their origin goes back to 3,000 years before Christ. From China, the apricot spread towards the north of India, to Punjab and Tibet. From Persia it went to Europe.Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) belongs to family Rosaceae. Horticulture is emerged as an important sector of Jammu and Kashmir it is known as back bone of State economy. Its contribution in the state gross domestic product is estimated to about 21.89% for year 2016-2017. The area under the fruit in Jammu and Kashmir has increased from 2.95 lakh hectare in 2007-2008 to 3.38 lakh hectare in 2015- 2016 likewise the production has increased from 16.36 Lakh MT’s in 2007-2008 to 24.94 Lakh MT’s in 2015-2016. Ladakh particularly known as Cold Arid Region in Northern most of India is located between 34.5o to 34.7o North latitude, 76.2o to 76.5o East longitude and at an altitude of 2,500-2,750 meters a.m.s.l. The present status of apricot both area and production wise is 792 hectare and 1514 hectare, 1923 MT and 3775MT in District Leh and Kargil respectively. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) being main fruit crop and cash crop of ladakh region has enormous scope and potential for further improvement in future with the understanding of importance of soil health management, availability and the use of improved plant materials particularly suitable to the agro climatic conditions of the area and by inducing post harvest technologiesApricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) belongs to family Rosaceae. Horticulture is emerged as an important sector of Jammu and Kashmir it is known as back bone of State economy. Its contribution in the state gross domestic product is estimated to about 21.89% for year 2016-2017. The area under the fruit in Jammu and Kashmir has increased from 2.95 lakh hectare in 2007-2008 to 3.38 lakh hectare in 2015- 2016 likewise the production has increased from 16.36 Lakh MT’s in 2007-2008 to 24.94 Lakh MT’s in 2015-2016. Ladakh particularly known as Cold Arid Region in Northern most of India is located between 34.5o to 34.7o North latitude, 76.2o to 76.5o East longitude and at an altitude of 2,500-2,750 meters a.m.s.l. The present status of apricot both area and production wise is 792 hectare and 1514 hectare, 1923 MT and 3775MT in District Leh and Kargil respectively. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) being main fruit crop and cash crop of ladakh region has enormous scope and potential for further improvement in future with the understanding of importance of soil health management, availability and the use of improved plant materials particularly suitable to the agro climatic conditions of the area and by inducing post harvest technologiesApricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) belongs to family Rosaceae. Horticulture is emerged as an important sector of Jammu and Kashmir it is known as back bone of State economy. Its contribution in the state gross domestic product is estimated to about 21.89% for year 2016-2017. The area under the fruit in Jammu and Kashmir has increased from 2.95 lakh hectare in 2007-2008 to 3.38 lakh hectare in 2015- 2016 likewise the production has increased from 16.36 Lakh MT’s in 2007-2008 to 24.94 Lakh MT’s in 2015-2016. Ladakh particularly known as Cold Arid Region in Northern most of India is located between 34.5o to 34.7o North latitude, 76.2o to 76.5o East longitude and at an altitude of 2,500-2,750 meters a.m.s.l. The present status of apricot both area and production wise is 792 hectare and 1514 hectare, 1923 MT and 3775MT in District Leh and Kargil respectively. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) being main fruit crop and cash crop of ladakh region has enormous scope and potential for further improvement in future with the understanding of importance of soil health management, availability and the use of improved plant materials particularly suitable to the agro climatic conditions of the area and by inducing post harvest technologies In Rome this fruit was not consumed until the Ist century and it arrived at Greece during the campaigns of Alexander Magnus. The Arabs were responsible of its spreading.From Spain it went to America where it underwent acclimatization to tempered areas, mainly in California and along the river Mississippi.

Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) belongs to family Rosaceae. Horticulture is emerged as an important sector of Jammu and Kashmir it is known as back bone of State economy. Its contribution in the state 
gross domestic product is estimated to about 21.89% for year 2016-2017. 
The area under the fruit in  Jammu and Kashmir has increased from 2.95 lakhhectare in 2007-2008 to 3.38 lakh hectare in 2015-2016 likewise the production has increased from 16.36 Lakh MT’s in 2007-2008 to 24.94 Lakh MT’s in  2015-2016. Ladakh particularly known as Cold Arid Region in Northern most of India is located between 34.5o to 34.7o North latitude, 76.2o
to 76.5o East longitude and at an altitude of 2,500-2,750 meters 
    The present status of apricot both area and production wise is 792 hectare and 1514 hectare, 1923 MT and 3775MT in District Leh and Kargil respectively. Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) being main fruit crop and cash crop of ladakh region has enormous scope and potential for further improvement in future 
with the understanding of importance of soil health management, availability and the use of improved plant materials particularly suitable to the agro climatic conditions of the area and by inducing post  harvest technologies

The area under the fruit in Jammu and Kashmir has increased from 2.95 lakh hectare in 2007-2008 to 3.38 lakh hectare in 2015-2016 likewise the production has increased from 16.36 Lakh MT's in 2007- 2008 to 24.94 Lakh MT's in 2015-2016 (Economic survey Jammu and Kashmir, 2017).

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