Amazing Facts About China!

  • For the New Year, Chinese children receive red packets with money inside. It is called "Lucky Money" because the red packet in which it comes is a symbol for good luck in the new year!

  • Soccer is a popular sport in China, just like it is in the United States!
  • Half ofthe people in China work in farming. While dairy products are number one in Wisconsin, rice and cotton are two of the main products of Chinese farms.

  • China's population is highest in the world! 

  • About 1 out of every 5 people in the world live in China.
  • In school, Chinese children study most ofthe same things we do. But they go to school from 7:30a-5:00p with 2 hours for lunch. The school year runs from September to mid-July.

  • A panda's favorite food is bamboo! However, it is hard for pandas to digest the bamboo and get the nutrients they need. So pandas must eat 20-40 pounds of bamboo a day, spending 10-16 hours a day looking for and eating food. Wow!

  • Fireworks were invented in China and are part of the New Year's celebration. It was believed that fireworks scared away "evil spirits"!
  • The Forbidden City is where the Emperors of China used to live. It has many palaces with a total of 10,000 rooms! It got its name because it was forbidden for anyone to enter except the family, staff and those invited by the Emperor.
  • China and the United States are close to the same size!
  • The climate is similar, too. Cold in the north and warmer in the south.
  • In China, dragons are loved, notfeared! They're considered beautiful, friendly and wise

  • Buddhism first came to China along the Silk Road, around 500 AD.

  • In China over 30 million people live in caves.
  • One in every five people in the world is Chinese.
  • China is the most populous nation on Earth with around 1.3 billion people.

  • Ketchup’s first incarnation was in China as a pickled fish sauce called ke-tsiap.
  • The world’s biggest mall is located in China and is 99% empty.
  • In 2011 China consumed 42.5 billion packs of instant noodles.
  • The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing were the most expensive yet. They cost US $40 billion.
  • Paper money was invented in China.
  • Half of the world’s pigs live in China.
  • China’s railway lines could loop around Earth twice.

  • Reincarnation is forbidden in China. You must have government permission
  • China’s national sport is table tennis.
  • Each soldier in Qin Shi Huang’s 8000-strong Terracotta Army has distinct facial features
  • .For those history lovers who love knowing what the names of places mean, this one might be a nice fact for you. The word China is believed to have originated from Qin, which was the dynasty that ruled over the land from 221 B.C., to A.D. 1912.
    . For a linguist, this fact will be fascinating to you. The Chinese language is the longest language still in use in writing in the world.
  1. The Chinese also invented some math concepts. They started using the decimal system in 14th century B.C., 2,300 years before the Europeans
 Do you know that tea was discovered by accident? A tea leaf accidentally fell into the emperor’s pot and voilà, the beautiful relationship between the Chinese and tea was born.

Do you know that cuteness can ward off evil? Well, this is according to the Chinese. In the early days, the Chinese emperors kept Giant Pandas as evil-warding charms.

 By A.D. 130, the Chinese could detect earthquakes. This was through a device invented by an astronomer cum literary scholar named Zhang Heng.
Have you ever wondered where those breathtaking martial arts moves come from? Well, it is rumored that they were developed from hunting farming moves, and by the way, martial arts is practiced throughout China, so beware.
. The Chinese love red. This color to them symbolizes happiness, and that is why it is commonly used in their festivals and most functions expressing Chinese culture.

. By A.D. 1092, the Chinese already had a mechanical clock, which could tell time accurately.
Grow the nail of your small figure; it is a sign of rank. This was true in ancient China as wealthy men and women grew these nails and decorated them with gold for protection.
  •  The Three Gorges Dam is the largest man-made dam in the world. It spans the Yangtze River.

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